What Natalie Stone Did On Her Tabernacle Summer Vacation 

Netflix And Chill

On her summer vacation, former Deputy Mayor Natalie Stone, snickered with her besties Committeeman Sammy Moore Jr., Tabernacle’s Administrator-Clerk Mary Alice Brown and friends on social media about “Netflix and Chilll’d.”

Stone, who quit Tabernacle Committee after five months, posted a photoshopped picture on Facebook of a Ben and Jerry’s ice cream container of her new flavor “Netflix & Chilll’d.”  

Committeeman Sammy sent his laughing meme.

“Too freaking funny” added our Township Administrator-Clerk Mary Alice Brown. I wonder if she commented during worktime?

Netflix & Chilll’d ice cream is now their little joke.

Netflix & Chill is slang for having sex, as in what you might really invite someone over for while Netflix streams in the background. 

Netflix and Chill is what committeewoman Stone told Tabernacle she’d rather be doing instead of doing the job she campaigned for, was elected to do and was paid for until she quit.  

At the next public meeting I criticized Stone for her statement. I said she can do whatever she likes as a private citizen. But as an elected official collecting a public pay check, she should do her job and try to be professional. Her statement was unbecoming to an elected official.

Stone, Moore and Brown are welcome to eat ice cream until their heads burst. America is a free country of liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Government Incompetence Isn’t Funny

Natalie Stone, Sammy Moore and Mark Hartman wasted hundreds of thousands of tax dollars on the folly of the failed municipal complex on Carranza Road.

They wasted tens of thousands of dollars on engineering and architect reports, a demolition contractor and lawyer fees trying to tear down Historic Town Hall. Demolition of town hall is contrary to our township Masterplan and opposed by most residents.

Stone, Moore and Hartman are responsible for closing Tabernacle Road because they determined that Historic Town Hall was in imminent danger of collapse when, in fact, it wasn’t. Their conclusions about Historic Town Hall were based on dubious information that they readily accepted because they wanted to demolish the building. 

Farms and other businesses suffered economic loss because customers couldn’t reach them. People traveling through Tabernacle, especially Tabernacle residents, were greatly inconvenienced. 

State police resources were wasted enforcing the traffic detour for this bogus public emergency.  

Administrator-Clerk Mary Alice Brown’s incompetence has been on display since she was hired. The latest example is her inability to get Tabernacle’s annual budget adopted by the April deadline. It still hasn’t been adopted yet; and it’s not on the agenda for the August 26, 2024 meeting.

Tabernacle’s budget is so late that the August tax payments are postponed indefinitely. This has happened every year she’s been here.  

Snickering over a little joke is the fare of adolescents, not a township committee member, township administrator or township clerk. 

Improving Local Government

Natalie Stone’s friend and neighbor Rae Voss asks a good question, though she likely was just being snotty. “Can you imagine spending your life and time doing what she does?” Obviously, these people have little imagination.

I can imagine working to improve government. In Tabernacle, that means having competent elected officials and staff, and adopting effective policy.

The demolition of Historic Town Hall was brutally bad policy. Funding a grand municipal complex without considering any other options was lazy and ignorant. Making findings that caused the bogus closure of Tabernacle Road was disgraceful and self-centered.

What I can’t imagine is getting elected, quitting after five months and then publicly brooding about it for months afterward.

Tabernacle’s governance was improved by Natalie Stone’s resignation. The resignation or removal of Mark Hartman, Sammy Moore, Mary Alice Brown and the professional staff that supported them will improve it further. The sooner the better.

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