Silence in Tabernacle

Why Doesn’t Tabernacle’s Government Speak? Tabernacle Township has become notorious for non-communication.  Questions from the public go unanswered. The Committee rarely addresses public comments. Committee members rarely ask questions about the items on their agenda. They rarely discuss the public business that they vote on; and, when they do discuss it, they don’t go very Read More…

The Not-So-Big Tabernacle Reveal

The December 19, Town Hall Presentation Having seen the committee’s near silence on the new and old town hall project for the past 15 months, the December 19 “Public Information Meeting” made it doubly clear that our elected officials are either incapable of or uninterested in involving the public in what will probably be the Read More…

Tabernacle To Do Big Reveal

Public Information Meeting The township has scheduled the Public Information Meeting about the new and old municipal buildings for December 19, 2022 (see township website for details). Earlier, Mayor Moore explained that the committee would consider all options, answer all questions “100%” and accept citizen input.   The difference between what Mayor Moore said will Read More…

No In-person Meetings for Tabernacle

Audio plus video meetings After TTJ’s criticism (October 23, 2022 POST) of the committee’s audio-only meetings, committee members voted to turn their video on. Committee members Nancy McGinnis and Robert Sunbury favored the idea but voted against it saying that the committee should return to live in-person meetings. But Mayor Sammy Moore, Deputy Mayor Kim Read More…