Dump Moore and Hartman

Committee Meeting Cancelled, Again Sammy Moore and Mark Hartman were absent from the May 28, 2024 committee meeting. Their absence prevented a quorum and required the cancellation of the meeting. Hartman called in so late that the Fire House was already full of residents who were finding seats and waiting for the meeting to start. Read More…

Change In Tabernacle?

REORGANIZATION On January 5, at its first meeting of 2024, the Tabernacle committee reorganized. There were a few surprises. Steps were taken towards a more transparent and productive year. But more work remains to be done. NEW MAYOR AND DEPUTY MAYOR Mark Hartman was elected mayor by a vote of three to two. Mark Hartman, Read More…

Tabernacle Township Clerk Loses a Minute

What Happened to Committeeman McNaughton’s Suggestion to Reuse Old Town Hall? In my last post, I reported that at the March 27, 2023 meeting, Committeeman Noble McNaughton suggested that the committee re-use old town hall for a community center. This re-purposing would replace a proposed new community center in the new municipal complex.  Mr. McNaughton’s comments Read More…

Tabernacle Flip Flops on Subdivision

Municipal Complex At the February 27, 2023 meeting, Township Committee returned from a closed session and voted to buy the entire 20-acre flag lot at 144 Carranza Road for its new municipal complex. The purchase price is $825,900. If we add in the costs of appraisal, environmental studies, engineering fees and other soft costs including Read More…

The Not-So-Big Tabernacle Reveal

The December 19, Town Hall Presentation Having seen the committee’s near silence on the new and old town hall project for the past 15 months, the December 19 “Public Information Meeting” made it doubly clear that our elected officials are either incapable of or uninterested in involving the public in what will probably be the Read More…