
The Tabernacle Journal was created by Fran Brooks who has lived in Tabernacle Township, New Jersey for over 18 years. The Tabernacle Journal is an independent, online publication. It was created to inform residents and others about local government issues and decision making by our elected and appointed officials. These include the Tabernacle Township Committee, the Board of Fire Commissioners, the Land Development Board, and other committees that help run our township.

Comments or No Comments? I’m a big believer in robust political discussion. However, in too many blogs comments turn negative, nasty, and maybe even libelous. That’s not the type of blog I want for Tabernacle residents. I don’t want to spend time policing or moderating the posts. It’s more important to me to publish thoughtful and well-researched posts.

Readers can ask questions or leave relevant information at “CONTACT” on the home page. I take the protection of my sources very seriously. I will not publish your name, email address, or comments. A recent written opinion by a Union County Superior Court judge found that citizen activist bloggers who carry out investigative reporting have the same legal protections under the New Jersey Newsperson’s Shield Law as professional journalists.